Santa Cruz Island Field Station has sleeping accommodations for approximately 30 persons. Click here for a PDF of room configurations. Accommodations consist of 25 bunkbeds and six private bedrooms with double/queen beds. All visitors must sleep at the facility. Bring warm sleeping bags with pillows. We do not supply bedding. Don't forget a flashlight! Please read the Safety Page for "What not to bring" to Santa Cruz Island.
Cooking facilities are provided, including 2 stoves, 2 ovens, 4 refrigerator-freezers, 1 walk in refrigerator, pots, pans, dishes, and utensils. Because of bad weather, people sometimes get detained on the island. All visitors must bring thier own food to the island. There are no stores on the island. We recommend bringing an extra day's supply of food in case of an unforseen emergency. The island is part of the University's Natural Reserve System, organisms collected on or near the island must not be used as food. All cooking is done at the facility; individual cooking on camp stoves is strictly prohibited, due to possible fire hazard.
Hot and cold running water, 2 shared but separate men's and women's showers, toilets, and limited laundry facilities are available. Electricity is limited. Do not bring electric appliances, especially hair dryers, to the island. If electricity is needed for research equipment, consult with the resident director prior to your visit.
A library/conference room, computers (PC and Mac), and a laboratory are available for your use. Maps are available at the reserve for office use only. Persons desiring maps for field use should purchase them before leaving the mainland (U.S. Geological Survey, 7.5' Santa Cruz Island A, B, C, D).
Four-wheel drive vehicles are available for your use. A vehicle use agreement must be completed by all drivers and passengers of reserve vehicles. Prospective drivers must demonstrate competence in driving 4-wheel drive vehicles.
A 17-foot Boston Whaler is available. Persons who intend to operate a boat must demonstrate competence in handling such craft. Please contact the reserve director for appropriate approval. If boat users plan to dive, a boat tender is required by University regulations.
Persons who plan to dive must have University of California Diving Control Cards or their equivalent. Contact the diving safety officer, Eric Hessell, at UCSB.
Verizon cellular telephone service is available on some areas of the island. Other telephone service is available for emergencies (see Reserve Director). No postal service is available.